hey guyz..
now it's Canada's turn<3 . I visited Montreal city, which is part of Quebec region. The main language there is french!but anywayz,most of them can speak English.
I went there in winter,February.Every thing was covered with ice but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time there coz as a Saudi,ice means sth 2 me :P
Our host was a French Canadian old man .His name was Raymond.He was a marketer in a company that my father has a kinda business with _the main purpose 4 this trip was dad's business_
I had a greaaat shopping there!In Montreal, there is a huge shopping mall or maybe malls underground!!coz of the heavy winter that they have .
It's not the underground!it's a mall called ka3'fool laval<
Shmagh is everywhere<3
When I was on the plane flying 2 Montreal on Canadian airlines,a flight attendant came 2 serve me a drink(I mean water,juice..etc)and he said:You want Vodka ,don't you?
OMG!!I opened my eyes n said:NoOoOoOo!!!:O ofcourse not!!he laughed at me n said:your father goes like this (n he observed my father's face.)LoL:P dad was staring at him
I took an orange juice .. After a while,the same guy came 2 serve another course of drinks.When he reached me he said:Do you want more orange juice sweetie?(sweetie!hey bro don't you see my scarf?I'm a muslim gurl n such words shouldn't be used with Muslim women!but I guess he just wanted 2 be nice!!)I said:no thank U..He said:-coffee?I moved my head negatively-tee?no..-me?:O :O pardon?!I was relly shocked!!WESH TEBEEEEE??then he said 2 the Indian guy that was sitting in front of me: -she is my new girlfriend !! n he cachinnated!!!WAAAAA3!!!:S
2 B honest, I felt soO disgussed!!n that's not because of his v.old age n his white hair !!-he was in the age of my grandfather by the way!!-
coz I'm not used 2 such behaviour!I'm so shy n modest as any Muslim gurl should be(I mean the modest thing not the shyness!)
Besides, mom n dad were sitting next 2 me n that's not appropriate even if it's just "kidding"!
Don't you think so???
In Canada,4 the 1st time in my life!,I attended business confirances with my dad n I had some discussions with the experts!!It was reeeeeeally fun:D
and that thing in the middle is a squid!the slices on the left are a kinda vegetable which looks like a cucumber from outside and an egg plant from inside:S!!
I thanked him n I got in the elevator.
this was my breakfast
this was written by Raymond:D