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Completely out of the blue , my za7af family decided 2 have our friday lunch in Der3eah:S FAG2AAAAA!!!! we packed our stuff or THEY packed in better wordz ,got into the car and headed 2 Der3eah! It was not far away!I got surprised by the beauty of the traditional landmarks there,, we went to wadi 7anifah 'n had our lunch on it's edge!It was a kind of exotic adventure.I was takin' snap shots all the time as I always do;) my bros 'n I got a lesson in history:) what really catched my eye is the big mosque of Der3eah<3..It was very beautiful(the one on the lift side of the pic). Also, I liked the palm trees surrounding nearly all the places there!peace out
See this adorable cute bouquet?It's from my secret admirer:$if Ur wondering why it is only one single lonely rose there!I'll say that it symbolizes that I am the only beautiful rose in his life<3<-in ur dreamz=Pjust kidding:PIt is a small bouquet designed by mama!wildly creative, huh? she's an artist masha2 Allah!it's dedicated 2 her colleague..just wanted 2 show U 2 get inspired if U wanna give a simple cute single flower 2 someone U love!Ciao~

If u r in a sitution when U have 2 choose btw ur LOVE or ur DIGNITY, which one would U choose 'n why?Do love blend well with dignity???In other wordz .. Can U love someone without giving some consessions 'n losing completely or partly some of ur dignity?a couple a quistions that I need someone 2 share answering them with me ,coz when it comes 2 dignity I usually go extreme 'n not think reasonably! The design:Photo: By MeEditing: By Mepeace out~