I like photography so much 2 the extent that I go everywhere with my cam even 2 the univ sometimes n I take shots 4 everything that catch my eye weather weird,beautiful,funny or sometimes discusting!!:S
Also K.S.U{--my univ is too far away n we almost commute 2 it!!
On my way 2 it back n forth,I live a whole life! sometimes I wear nail polish in the car n make it dry under the ac ;) sometimes I eat my sandwitch:Dn sometimes I find stupid stuff n I take pics 4 them!Like I'm a tourist or something!:Sso here are some of them! IN jOY =)

BIG LOL=D..good job bro!;)he lookes foreigner!
What a nice name!:S:P
These pics r not from the amazing univ way<3:P
so creative ya mo9'y;P
Ra9'eeee3 !!lol=D
a7es 7aram! :'(
this was n Mexico corner's menu!:){--ysm3oon bel de88ah!

Quiz of the day:Which brand are these shoes,LV or GUCCI?:P
mn gd LOL:D
Za second part will come soon..
so stay tune..{--amoot fel she3er;P
amazing subject
i really liked it
the pic were very cooool
and the most important thing MODI MODA
LoOoLs !!
allah la ylomk , mmshwar el univ bed3a mn beda3 el-3alm el 7 !!
mra woOow Louis Gucci or Gucci Vuitton .... Whatever it was !!
this is gonna be the One :)
Ab3`aha L eL univ :(
mn y76l el 2 soa <- !!
post 7low w pics mra nice
thank u ..
u made me Laugh
WOoOoOW ur soOo creative my dear minmen ^_* ,,
i really like your posts ...
mn jd blog muthheEel :D
LV & Gucci hahahaha 2 n 1 ,, LOoOoL
6ree8 el univ << it drives me craZzZy ,,
frankly ,,
i love your style,, mn jd
mrrra thoOou8
keep it up manNO :$
miss cool smile.
Thx,,glad dat U like 'em:)
MODI MODA is reeeally ebda3;p
miss queen.
You must get the shoes right now Ghada 4 the univ!..don't miss it baby cuz ur gonna be aksha5 gurl in the univ no doubt!!:PLOL
Romance lover.
Thanks 4 this whole bunch of compliments:#
about the univ way..may God be with us!!!
n Gucci Vuitton m8addama sweetie:P
thos LVGuccis are bloody hilarious!!! and the fan in the back of the car... WOW... those shots were simply hilarious! I love taking pics when I am out as well, but it kinda annoys my husband when I take my cam out all the time.. lol...
Keep up the great shots!
And lovely blog!
Thank you so much:)
so glad that u liked my shots.
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