Peace be upon U all...
I was studyin' 9arf!!I'd rather do anything on earth than studying this particular subject!Na7o is so OK 4 me, but 9arf is my worst nightmares!!
check this out!!XD

freakin' funny..isn't it?:-D
I've discovered dat I wasted my time studying saraweel XD
anywayz, ..
I came 2 know by my own experience that the 3arab teachers r waaay much more friendly 'n outgoing than our English tutors..I donno why!
maybe coz they don't wanna push us so hard coz we're not specializing in Arabic!!or maybe coz they r just sweet:)
I like them so far,'n I hope I continue liking them.
I was studyin' 9arf!!I'd rather do anything on earth than studying this particular subject!Na7o is so OK 4 me, but 9arf is my worst nightmares!!
check this out!!XD

freakin' funny..isn't it?:-D
I've discovered dat I wasted my time studying saraweel XD
anywayz, ..
I came 2 know by my own experience that the 3arab teachers r waaay much more friendly 'n outgoing than our English tutors..I donno why!
maybe coz they don't wanna push us so hard coz we're not specializing in Arabic!!or maybe coz they r just sweet:)
I like them so far,'n I hope I continue liking them.
hey Gurl ^^
really liked ur blog it's really funny ^^ ... al9ara7a 7abeet sarwalat lol it's really amazing word!! no no wierd word !!!
keeps post in ur blog coz it's niceee ^^
HEY ^^
thx 4 the compliment:$..
'n about sarwalat.. no commentLOL XD
Ur so welcome sillyXP
peace out~
loOoOol !
good look with your sraweel exam :S
and aoubt the Arabic teachers or should I say the waltdesny teachers ?
I am sure that they r nice coz they r nice.
ur specialize has nothing 2 deal with this trust me ..
coz there r alot of teachers out there who r not nice at all while they are teachin silly ,non specialzed subjects, al 78ana in their bloooood !!
Allah yb3d 3na el 73nat .. o y6y7na bel cute el 7lilat ely ya7`foon allah!! {-- mshro3 zwaj :S :(
the saraweel exam was like so good thank God :)
bout the teacherz ..yeah I guess Ur right!
waa9'e7 enk mn8ahraaaaXD
Ameeeeeeen ya rab!! 7e8na teachers r the worst thing U can ever had :P
ExTreEmLy CUTE comment..
like it<3
w aham shay 6ala3te elly f5a6rek;P
Keep commenting<3
It was a nightmare really :"(
no one can feel this like us I can tell..
but you know smth??
I kinda liked it XD
WELCOME BACK bubbly eyes *_~
HEY friendo
Thank God 3addat 3ala 5eer:)
Good thing dat U liked it,hope I can!!
keep lighting my site:P
hahahhaha 7elwaaaa ha4a alstudying wella balash ,,
i don't know y we should study such silly things ,, wah bas < ma twa6enha :D
alla y3eeen << should B patient :(
peace ,
Hala SoOs ..
wallah u r so right!..I mean come on ppl!what's the benefit of studying such saraweel thingz?
I agree dat we should study Arabic 'n I like it ,yet I don't think dat saraweel can help anyway!!
yaalah we should B patient BIG TIME may Allah help us..
Peace out~
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