See this?
It's my first attempt with the photoshop:$wut da ya think?
If U r wondering bout all the photo designs oN my blog, I would admit that this is not my individual work..I mean Idon't do them on my own=) I choose the photo or I take it from my own collection of pix then I ask one of my bros 2 do the work 4 me BUT with me supervising the whole thing,I mean that all the work is done according to my taste 'n style but I hate 2 bother with the coplicated work!=P
but now I've got over all of this 'n I'm gonna start workin' on my own if I didn't at3egaz=P
plz tell me is it a good start or just a piece of crap :D?3ad comeoon I know it's good !XDbut U know modest is the best moral;P
U noticed?I said I will B busy hittin' the books 'n now I'm posting more frequently than EVER!!!what a dafrah!!!:-D
peace out~
waaaaaaay to go Moon,,
vewy vewy good start with designin
Love it elsara7a <3
Thankies ROna:)
glad dat U luv it..
gd .. beginin' dear ..
now u have 2 search the net
& learn more lessons ..
there's many in net
good Luck ^^
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