yesterday,Mantoosh 'n I made a surprise party 2 3'addo0 @ my granny's house:)<3 coz she passed the IELTS exam with high grade masha2 Allah^^ .It is the British version of the TOEFL and it standz 4 International English Language Testing System.
We devided the work,Mantoosh got the flower bouquet and dinner N I got the cake.we didn't want 2 invite anybode coz we wanted it 2 B very close . we've been through some hard time trying 2 get everything done the best way 'n trying 2 keep it secret as we could.Specially dat she was stuck around all the time while prepring the surprise.Frankly,I was SUPER nervous!I even cried:$ 'n when my friedz saw my runny nose 'n red eyes,I lied at them 'n said dat I got a flu=P:$I got U guyz;PLoOL. At the end,everything was just perfect 'n 3'ada was happy^^Thank God<3
(U can press the pic 2 see it in a larger size)
what was supposed to B written on the cake : Congratulations IELTS gurl ,but the stupid guy made a mistake 'n wrote IELQS :S wutever!!
All in all,It was a very special night<3we had a big time 2gether 'n we got 1 meter Teryaki sndwich from Quiznoz sub<3<3 4 dinner*yummy*.
peace out~
It was extremely cool , I swear !!
loved every single thing <3
Thak u gayz it was one of the best days ever :$
LOVE u moon <3
I will be back
It is GUYS not GAYZ..!=P
B careful 3'addoosh XD
In short:U desserve it!
LOVE U more..than U could imagine!:$
wooooooooow marra nice el cake!!
a7es'ha marra yummmy :)
'3doosh congrats sis ^___^
moon 308balek ya rab :*
3ogbalna klna en sha2 Allah*:
thnx 4 passing by^^<3
Congratulations '3adoosh ^^
& 38balkom ya rab klkom ..
very nice Cake & Flowers
thank U moony ^^<3
w 3o8balek enty kaman
enty el nice wallah <3
kl ma sh-ft el p.c est7eet :$
m3 enO ma li D5l :$
loooooooooooool ..
LOVE u moon <3
& me :( ?
LOVE U more :$
heheheh ..
thanX moON~
shofo el Nas el fahmah < 3
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